Who Made the Flag

I think Betsy Ross made the american flag and I’m going to prove why.The reason that Betsy Ross made the flag was because she had lots of connections to the continental army.She went to church with  George Washington and her uncle was colonel in the army  who was able to inform George Washington.Also a reason Read More…

Patriot Poem

Once a popular figure always a popular figure with people  President of the continental congress in 1775 Signature so big and bold Governor of Massachusetts  John hancock  Help frame Massachusetts  Once a small military leader Very wealthy and highly liked by people  Funded George Washington and his troops during the war


 “Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” is what Doctor king once said,and he couldn’t have said it better. One reason to serve is to honor the man who never took off.Dr.King was one of the worlds best pioneer,not in science not in medical care but with people.He never took days off to Read More…

Reflections on 9-11

9-11 is a day all of us want to forget. But instead of forgetting about it, lets use it to learn from.From the attacks in New york to the mountains in California we all came together no matter our race or religion,we all came together and said we’re all americans. With that togetherness we started Read More…